1. ELL Portfolio

  2. Patrick Sin

  1. Community Profile of Agincourt area and Context:

About 80% of residents of Scarborough-Agincourt are of Chinese heritage. The next largest groups include South-Asian. About 50% of the residents speaks Chinese (or regional dialects). The groups of European and Indigenous heritage are relatively smaller than any of these groups. This includes international students, and recent immigrants.(Statistics Canada, 2017; Yang, 2017)

Toronto. Ward 39 Profile. https://www.toronto.ca/city-government/data-research-maps/neighbourhoods-communities/ward-profiles/ward-profiles-ward-39/

Toronto. 2011 National Household Survey; Ward 39 - Scarborough-Agincourt. https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/978f-City-Planning-Ward-39-NHS-Profile-2011.pdf [see p 6-8]

Toronto. 2011 Census; Ward 39 - Scarborough-Agincourt. https://www.toronto.ca/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/9744-City-Planning-Ward-39-Profile-2011.pdf [see p 5]

    1. Postings:

“First language use should be discouraged as much as possible in the classroom.” - Ministry documents

    1. Amber Romero, Counterargument:

“-In the younger grades, we have the luxury of having a Vietnamese teaching assistant who is fairly proficient in English. After explaining a new concept or giving an instruction, I may ask the TA to translate or answer any questions.

-During Guided Reading lessons and teaching new vocabulary. I use a visual with a picture of the object and then the word in English and Vietnamese. When I teach it, I ask “how do I say that in Vietnamese”. It has been incredible to see the difference in comprehension and engagement with this simple change.

-I will use statements such as “please explain in either English or Vietnamese”. I don’t necessarily understand the response but I am able to make other observations and ask peers for translation if needed.

-Posting posters with key words such as “What”, Why” “Where” in both English and Vietnamese. I then have a visual reminder and I will say the word in Vietnamese if they are not understanding the question.

-Using Vietnamese vocabulary words and having the students teach me new words allows the students to feel more comfortable as they see that I am learning as well.

-When a student is struggling to find the English word, I will encourage the use of Vietnamese and then peers often help with the translation.

-Printing A-Z books off in both Vietnamese and English. The students love seeing the concepts in their L1 and I believe it reinforces their comprehension.”


    1. Matthew Heney, Affective Filter:

“One of the theories that really resonated with me was the affective filter. This theory suggests that older students, such as the ones I teach, may create an emotional barrier which can prevent them from learning and improving in English. They may do this because they do not want to feel embarrassed by making mistakes in front of their peers or because they simply don’t want to feel stupid. This really prevents them from participating and taking risks, both of which are crucial for improving their language skills.” https://d2l.educ.queensu.ca/d2l/le/194475/discussions/threads/2132604/View